Become a Friends of Figma user group leader

Leaders are the heart and soul of our global community. They go above and beyond to give back to the Figma community by passionately running our Friends of Figma groups, helping people to connect and learn from one another. 

FoF Portugal FoF Paris FoF Miami FoF Sydney

Why lead a Friends of Figma user group?

As a group leader, you’ll help connect people together based on geographic location or a shared interest. You’ll coordinate in-person and virtual meetup events once per quarter for your group, and be the point person for the Figma HQ team.

Qualities of a leader

  • You love Figma and are excited to help nurture the creator community and bring people together
  • You’re organized, driven, and want to build a positive and supportive environment for Figma users to grow and learn from each other
  • You’re committed to keeping your group active, hosting at least one meetup event per quarter
  • You agree to our Code of Conduct and believe in making experiences safe and inclusive for all attendees

Perks of being a leader

  • Recognition as an official group leader within Friends of Figma
  • Private resources and channels for the Friends of Figma leader community
  • Access to the Friends of Figma brand kit
  • Closer engagement with Figma through private events, sneak peeks, and more!
  • Opportunities to represent Figma at events
  • Event support from the Figma team to help take your events to the next level

Apply to lead a new group

We’re looking for individuals to start groups and build communities in new and exciting places around the world!

If you’d like to start a new group, please apply via our application. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis and prioritize small cohorts for the best onboarding experience.

Join the leadership team of an existing group

Does a group where you live already exist and you want to get more involved?

Reach out to the group's leadership directly to understand if they are looking to expand their existing team and how you can play a larger role. You can find a group's leadership team by visiting the group's landing page and scrolling down to the 'Contact Us' button.

Meet our Friends of Figma Leaders