


90 members

Friends of Figma is a global community where you can find all those Figmates that are into Figma, design, technology, culture... you name it! Friends of Figma, Zurich is more than just a meet-up; it's an opportunity to strengthen our connections, share knowledge, and inspire each other in a dynamic, real-world setting.

Past events

In-person event

Zurich Watch Party

In-person event

Friends of Figma Zurich - UX/UI Design Meetup

In-person event

Mobile Games: Top Monetization Patterns

In-person event

Designing for Everyone: Embracing High-Contrast Mode and Fostering Inclusivity

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Pavlos Vos

Figma Community Advocate

pin plengpai

Figma Community Advocate

Dimitar Ivanovski

Figma Community Advocate Sunrise LLC

Shafira Nugroho

Figma Community Advocate feey

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