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211 members

Figma is a powerful collaborative interface design tool & prototyping tool, and design system manager. It's browser-based and platform agnostic so you can run it on your Windows PC (or even Chromebook). It's free to use most of its features so you can learn design for free on any machine. It has multiplayer mode (like Google Docs) so you can edit design files together in real-time. It has a simple API so you can automate design updates to lengths we've never been able to in design before.

Figma is changing the game, and since it's 3.0 release in June 2018, more teams have been taking advantage of this awesome tool.

This meetup will have guest speakers and instructors teach how to make the most of Figma's awesome features and address workflow concerns specific to teams working in Figma.

Upcoming events

8 ago 2024

Virtual event

Creating Consistent and Scalable Text Styles with Figma Variables

Join us for an exciting workshop on "Implementing Figma Variables for Typography" with Juno! Learn how to enhance your design efficiency by mastering dynamic text styles, streamlining your design process, and creating consistent and scalable text styles. Perfect for designers looking to boost productivity and simplify text management in Figma.

Past events

In-person event

coworking @ STEREO

Virtual event

From Icons to Iconic: Build Your Library with Figma's Powerful Variables

Virtual event

How do you Design Review?

Virtual event

Figma Features Overview

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Juno Jo

Senior Product Designer DOJO+

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