North America



75 members

Join us if you are a product designer, product manager, UX/front-end developer, content creator, strategist or just are interested in design in your local community. Get Figma swag! Meet designers, grow your network, and build design skills at in-person events and in our online community.

Open to everyone interested in learning more about design, ideation and whiteboarding with Figjam & Figma; advanced practitioners, aspiring designers and developers, creatives, and product people.

Join us once a quarter for lightning talks from folks in the neighborhood, snack from local vendors and catch up with the cool people like you.

See you there!

Past events

Virtual event

Easy ways to add Next-level UX to your designs in Figma

Virtual event

Figma Victoria - Collaborative Design


Bill Stewart (S)

Figma Community Advocate Appfire

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