Easy ways to add Next-level UX to your designs in Figma

Aug 31, 2022, 12:30 – 2:00 AM


How do you go next level with Figma? Easy ways to add design thinking, context, measurable outcomes, & better communication to your designs!

About this event

Please use https://appfire.zoom.us/j/94421842185 to attend. 

How do you take your UX & UI Design work & your ability to collaborate with PMs, Devs, & other designers to the next-level with Figma? We're going to discuss the easiest methods & share a library to empower better design thinking, measurable outcomes, & collaboration.

Let's make it easier to:

- add design thinking to your design work.

- achieve more by tying design work to the business context, goals, need, KPIs.  
- make it easier for anyone to understand & use your work, how it should flow, where to look, what's the intent?

- create self-documenting designs, what's been done and why?  

Please attend if you'd like to discuss, learn, and/or share!

1. Discuss what works best & share some of your experience. 

2. See & receive some good ideas, a library, & components you can use.

3. <optional>Share your experience. What slows or drags down your design work? What did you try that didn't work? What works for you?

Let me know at bill@uxfactor.ca if you're like to share (and maybe even show) some things that work for you! Contact me If you'd like to be a featured speaker. 


  • Bill Stewart (S)


    Figma Community Advocate

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