Getting started with Figma

Oct 27, 2022, 4:05 – 5:00 PM (UTC)


This ‘Figma Design Basics and Features’ tutorial has been designed to teach you the essential skills and techniques required to create vector graphics and app prototypes.

About this event

This ‘Figma Design Basics and Features tutorial has been designed to teach you the essential skills and techniques required to create vector graphics and app prototypes. This tutorial teaches you how to develop basic shapes in Figma, make comments, share Figma files and export your designs. Explore some advanced Figma features


  • paminus murungi


  • Winnie Mandela

    FoF Nairobi

    Figma Community Leader


  • Stephen kimani

    Product designer

    Friends of Figma lead Organizer

  • Mandela Winnie

    Peer Carbon

    Friends of Figma Nairobi Lead

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