What, When, Why & How? - AMA with UX Research Experts

Oct 25, 2022, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)

Hong Kong

Research builds up the foundation of our user-centric designs. It is never easy to We ask questions to discover, explore, test and listen. However, there are so many questions to be answered before we can ask the right questions. Research係我地打造以用家為本嘅產品嘅第一步。我地透過發問去發現,探索,測試同聆聽;然而,喺能夠進行有效提問之前,我地需要解答左先有嘅疑問先。

About this event

Research builds up the foundation of our user-centric designs. It is never easy to We ask questions to discover, explore, test and listen. However, there are so many questions to be answered before we can ask the right questions.

We’ve gathered 3 experts from different industries and companies in Hong Kong for an in-person AMA (Ask Me Anything) to share their experiences with us and to answer your questions on anything about UX Research. Submit your questions at Google Form.

This will be an in-person event in Hong Kong but we will also be streaming this online as well.

Thank you PALO IT for the event space! 


今次我哋邀請三位來自不同行業嘅 UX Research 專家同大家分享,同大家逐一解答有關UX Research嘅疑難雜症。

今次將會係實體活動,我哋亦會喺網上同步直播,最後感謝 PALO IT 提供活動場地!我哋正收集問題,快啲去 Google Form 提交啦!

Event Details

Format: In-person (Will have online streaming)

Date | 日期: Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022

Time|時間: 7:00 PM

Location|地點: The Great Room, 23/F One Taikoo Place 979 King's Road Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay

Language|語言: English & Cantonese

Max Capacity: 25 people

Note: 3 doses of vaccination will be required to enter the venue. *Please do a RAT test and ensure it's negative before attending this event.*


  • Gene Au Yeung


    Senior UX Researcher

  • Zach Hyman

    EPAM Continuum

    Lead Design Strategist

  • Samson Ng


    Head of Design & Strategy


  • Michelle Lock


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Joey Lee


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Samuel Wong

    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • YS Chung

    Community Moderator


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