Jun 10, 2023, 2:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Have you been trying to find time to work on a side project or looking for collaborators or feedback? This will be dedicated time to work on anything you want, with others who are also working on their own side projects! We’re sure the designers all around will motivate and inspire!
Have you been trying to find time to work on a side project or looking for collaborators or feedback? This will be dedicated time to work on anything you want, with others who are also working on their own side projects! We’re sure the designers all around will motivate and inspire! To further support the community, theDesk is giving each participant a free one-time hotDesk pass* to theDesk OPC (KwunTong) or Wanchai.
Thank you to theDesk for the huge support!
*HotDesk pass grants access for 1 free day and can be used once on any Monday - Friday during 12 June - 11 July, from 9am - 6pm.
Date: 10 June 2023, Saturday
Time: 10am - 1pm (drop by anytime and stay for as long as you want)
Location: 22/F One Pacific Centre, 414 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong
Language: Any language
Limit: 25 people
Bring something that you’re working on, on the side. This might be a new idea, a side project, an article, a course, a case study, your portfolio - anything!
Collaborate or find collaborators
Ask for feedback from others
Test things on others
Share and chat about your side project
Learn about other people’s projects and get inspired
Follow our code of conduct
Bring actual work from your job
Be disruptive or distracting when somebody is trying to focus
Saturday, June 10, 2023
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)
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