FigJam Friday - May

May 27, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM (UTC)

Hong Kong

Welcome to this month‘s FigJam Friday! Remember all of those amazing ideas we came up with improving collaboration with non-designers last time? This Friday, we are going to further build on one of those ideas: How might we create a delightful Figma onboarding experience for non-designers? 歡迎嚟到第2次嘅FigJam Friday!嚟緊星期五,我哋延續上次朋友仔諗到嘅ideas: 我們如何可以為非設計師們創造有趣且良好嘅Figma on-boarding體驗?

About this event

Welcome to this month‘s FigJam Friday! Remember all of those amazing ideas we came up with improving collaboration with non-designers last time? This Friday, we are going to further build on one of those ideas:

How might we create a delightful Figma onboarding experience for non-designers?

Let’s use all our brain power in this 1.5 hour interactive workshop to sketch out the skeleton of the amazing Figma onboarding file for our friends and colleagues.

We are limiting this to a maximum of 20 people, so please RSVP only if you are sure you can come. This is a monthly recurring event, so you can always come to the next one if you can't make this one!

This event will be held in either Cantonese / English depending on participants' preference.

If you've RSVPed and something changes with your plans, please be sure to cancel your RSVP so somebody else can take your spot.

See you in FigJam world!

歡迎嚟到第2次嘅FigJam Friday!仲記唔記得上個月我哋一齊諗左幫助同改善同同事之間嘅合作。嚟緊星期五,我哋延續上次朋友仔諗到嘅ideas,今個月主題將會喺:

我們如何可以為非設計師們創造有趣且良好嘅Figma on-boarding體驗?

等我地喺呢個半鐘嘅workshop入面一齊激發創意,勾畫出理想嘅Figma onboading體驗俾朋友仔同同事們!


我們每個月都會舉辦一次Figjam Friday,如果你未能參與是次活動,我們可以在其他活動或者下個月再見!


Figjam 見!


  • Joey Lee


  • Samuel Wong

    Community Moderator


  • Michelle Lock


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Joey Lee


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Samuel Wong

    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • YS Chung

    Community Moderator

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