Do You Know Design Systems? — AMA with HK Design System Experts

Sep 2, 2022, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Hong Kong

An in-person AMA (Ask Me Anything) with design systems and ops experts in Hong Kong. 與 Design System 及 Design Ops 專家對話

About this event

Behind the success of every company and design team, there are important people who work on the design systems and design ops.

We’ve gathered 3 experts from different industries and companies in Hong Kong for an in-person AMA (Ask Me Anything) to share their experiences with us and to answer your questions on anything design systems and ops. Submit your questions at this Google Form.

This will be an in-person event in Hong Kong but we will also be streaming this in our Discord community! 

Thank you JobsDB Hong Kong for the event space!

大家好!Friends of Figma Hong Kong 下個月又有搞作,每條成功嘅 UX team 背後都有默默支援大家工作嘅 Design Ops、Design System 同事。

今次我哋邀請三位來自不同行業嘅 Design System 專家同大家分享,回答大家任何問題,以及分享製作及推行Design System 嘅苦與樂。

今次將會係實體活動,我哋亦會喺 Discord 到同步直播,最後感謝 JobsDB 提供活動場地!我哋正收集問題,快啲去 Google Form 提交啦 

Event details

Format: In-person (Livestream on Zoom)

Date|日期: Friday, 2 Sep 2022

Time|時間: 7:30 PM

Location|地點: JobsDB office, 37/F, PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Language|語言: English & Cantonese

Price: 60 HKD (Only for in-person participants, we'll be buying food!)

Note: 3 doses of vaccination will be required to enter the venue. Please do a RAT test and ensure it's negative before attending this event.


  • Theo Cai


    Head of Design Systems

  • Joanne Kwok


    Head of Design Practices

  • Kevin Ng

    Product Designer, Design Systems


  • Samuel Wong

    Community Moderator


  • Michelle Lock


    Figma Community Advocate

  • Joey Lee


    Community Moderator

  • Samuel Wong

    Community Moderator

  • YS Chung


    Community Moderator


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JobsDB by SEEK

Featured Attendees

  • Jason Ho


    Product designer

  • Michael Tam

    IBM iX

    Global Design Director

  • Jason Law


    Head of Product

  • Michael Chan

    Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited

    UI/UX Designer

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