April Figjam Friday 🎸

Apr 22, 2022, 12:00 – 1:15 PM (UTC)

Hong Kong

Come and take a design thinking ride with us, let’s discover and ideate around the theme of this month. [DESIGN EDUCATION] - How might we educate non-designers about design so that we can raise design awareness in our team? 我們終於迎來第一次Figjam Friday! 我們將會以先前由社群共創的主題拉開首次Figjam Friday的帷幕 : [DESIGN EDUCATION] — 我們可以怎樣在團隊內提倡及分享有關設計的資訊從而透過提升團隊對設計的認知?

About this event

Let's finish off April a bang with our FigJam Friday! Come and take a design thinking ride with us, let’s discover and ideate around the theme of this month. Don't worry if you don't have experience using FigJam, we'll go over the basics in the beginning of the session.

We would like to kickstart this series with the very first event with ideas from our community:

DESIGN EDUCATION - How might we educate non-designers about design so that we can raise design awareness in our team?

Advocating for enhancing design maturity in your team? Having a lot to tell your developers but don’t know how? Struggling with educating your project stakeholders about design? Bring these great thoughts and questions to the jam, let’s come up with some ideas on how we can educate others on the value of design!

This event will be in Cantonese.

We are limiting this to a maximum of 10 people, so please RSVP only if you are sure you can come. This is a monthly recurring event, so you can always come to the next one if you can't make this one!

If you've RSVPed and something changes with your plans, please be sure to cancel your RSVP so somebody else can take your spot.

See you in FigJam!

鄰近四月尾聲,我們終於迎來第一次Figjam Friday! 每個月我們都會公布為Figjam Friday而設的主題,在活動中與各位一起利用設計思維進行探索,並收穫一個快樂的夜晚!沒有用過FigJam的朋友也不用擔心,Moderators將會在活動開始的時候介紹基本功能並協助大家一起完成活動!

我們將會以先前由社群共創的主題拉開首次Figjam Friday的帷幕 ——

DESIGN EDUCATION — 我們可以怎樣在團隊內提倡及分享有關設計的資訊從而透過提升團隊對設計的認知?

你正在思考如果提升團隊的設計成熟度嗎?如何讓工程師們更清楚的了解我們的想法?如何讓項目中不同持份者明白設計概念?請將你的問題和想法通通帶來Figjam Friday一同討論和發想解決方法吧!



我們每個月都會舉辦一次Figjam Friday,如果你未能參與是次活動,我們可以在其他活動或者下個月再見!

Figjam 見!
Zoom link will be available on this page 30 mins before the event starts.


  • Joey Lee


    Community Moderator

  • Charlie Chiu

    Community Moderator


  • Michelle Lock


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Joey Lee


    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • Samuel Wong

    Friends of Figma Hong Kong Leader

  • YS Chung

    Community Moderator

Featured Attendee

  • Poris To


    UI/UX Designer

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