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Friends of Figma Tokyo へようこそ! 🇯🇵🗼
Friends of Figma Tokyo は、デザイナー、開発者、そしてデザインの迷路に生きる人々に、カジュアルでリラックスした雰囲気で自由に日本語でやり取りできる環境を提供します。世界中の日本語話者 (any level from Beginner to Native Japanese speaker) & Figmaユーザーを歓迎いたします🌟
👉 ネットワークイベント
👉 フロントトーク
👉 Figmaでわちゃわちゃ
👉 Drink & Design
グループのDiscordサーバ : https://discord.gg/B9krXpPaTp
Friends of Figma Tokyo (JP) provides places where designers, developers, and people who are in the labyrinth of design can freely interact with each other in a casual and relaxed manner in the Japanese language. We welcome any Japanese speaker & Figma user from all over the world. For English speakers, check out Friends of Figma Tokyo (EN), too.
👉 Networking events
👉 Front talks
👉 Sessions with designers on Figma
👉 Drink & Design
Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/B9krXpPaTp
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