The Dunning-Kruger Effect in Design

Apr 30, 2024, 11:45 PM – May 1, 2024, 1:30 AM (UTC)

San Diego

The Dunning-Kruger Effect in Design: Una charla en español
con Pablo Stanley 🇲🇽

About this event

Calling our Spanish speaking FoF members 📣 Pablo is in town!

Join us for a casual meet and greet en español with Pablo Stanley, a Latin designer based in Mexico 🇲🇽. He is the co-founder and CEO at Musho—an AI design tool aimed at unlocking people's creativity. Previously, he co-founded Carbon Health and Blush, and held roles as a staff designer at Lyft and lead designer at InVision.

Pablo gives talks and workshops around the world on product design, animation, illustration systems, storytelling, accessibility, behavioral economics, challenges of being a designer, doodling, and the art of comics.

He has a YouTube channel called Sketch Together, where he shares design tutorials, livestreams, critiques, and other fun stuff. Pablo also hosts various podcasts, including 'Diseño Cha Cha Cha', which features interviews with Latinxs in the tech industry. He's the doodler behind Open Peeps, Avataaars, Humaaans, Open Doodles, Bottts, and Buttsss.

Moreover, Pablo is a talented writer and illustrator, known for his comic series 'The Design Team', portraying the lives of startup designers.

In his latest endeavor, Pablo aims to share his wealth of experience and passion by creating design courses for emerging designers.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect in Design

Join Pablo Stanley, founder of Musho & Lummi—AI design tools—as he explores the impact of the Dunning-Kruger Effect on his journey as a designer and entrepreneur. Discover how initial ingenuity can spark adventurous innovation in the dynamic world of design and AI.


El efecto Dunning-Kruger en el diseño

Acompaña a Pablo Stanley, co-fundador de Musho y Lummi —herramientas de diseño de IA— mientras explora el impacto del efecto Dunning-Kruger en su trayectoria como diseñador y emprendedor. Descubre cómo la ingenuidad inicial al aceptar un nuevo reto o proyecto, puede convertirse en toda una aventura en el mundo del diseño e Inteligencia Artificial.

Event details:

👉  Location: The event will be held at the Border UX co-working space.

👉  Beverages: Attendees are welcome to bring their own beverages, including soda and beer.

👉  Entry Instructions: Please call +1 619-343-3779 ext #1, upon arrival for access to the venue.

👉  Language: The event will be in Spanish, but everyone is welcome to attend.


  • Pablo Stanley


    Co-founder and CEO



April 30 – May 1, 2024
11:45 PM – 1:30 AM (UTC)


  • Aaron Martlage


    Friends of Figma San Diego Leader

  • Diana Morales

    Friends of Figma San Diego Leader

  • Coriano Harris

    Friends of Figma San Diego Leader


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