Mar 25, 2021, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)
Our Figma Meetup is going into the 4th round! With "Creative Methods for Product Ideation" you will get practical tips, tricks, industry best practices, and many more insights. We will have exciting talks from Martina (Experience Mapping – Why, How, and What?), Josh (Prototypes as hypothesis testing method) & Sebastian (Designing for impact). Let's buckle up for an exciting evening of knowledge.
Hey designers,
our Figma Meetup is going into the fourth round! The topic will be "Creative Methods for Product Ideation" and you will get practical tips & tricks, industry best practices, and many more insights. We will have exciting talks from Martina (Experience Mapping – Why, How, and What?), Joshua (Prototypes as hypothesis testing method) & Sebastian (TBD). Let's buckle up for an exciting evening of knowledge.
🇺🇸🇬🇧 The meetup will be in English
19:00 - 19:10 👋🏻 Socialising & Welcome to the stream, Philipp @ MVST
19:10 - 19.50 🎤 Talk 1: Martina Mitz → Experience Mapping – Why, How, and What?
19:50 - 19:55 ⏸️ Short Break
19:55 - 20:20 🎤 Talk 2: Joshua Wilking (MVST) → Prototypes as hypothesis testing method
20:20 - 20:45 🎤 Talk 3: Sebastian Gier → Designing for impact
20:45 - Socialising 👥 The video stream is yours. Looking for a new job or do you need help? This is your opportunity to get in touch with the community.
21:00 - The End :)
🎤 Martina Mitz - Experience Mapping – Why, How, and What? 🔥
Maps are a great overview-tool in life. And this is also the case in Business: Experience Maps can help align the different points of views and goals from different departments or disciplines. Therefore, they not only serve as great alignment, prioritization, and ideation fundaments, but they also help create a deeper understanding of current or potential customers.
This talk will give you an overview of the 3 main types of experience maps: Customer Journey Map, Service Blueprint, and Mental Model Diagram and will help you decide when to use each of them. Further, the presentation will arm you with some business rationale for mapping experiences, so that you can convince your boss and colleagues and get your own Experience Mapping workshop on the way.
Martina started as a self-taught Web Designer in 1999. From the very beginning, her approach was user-centered despite not being familiar with the now-common phrase of ‘User Experience’. In 2007 she finalized her (Diploma-) study in Psychology and started working in the field of clinical Psychology. It was at this point that Martina’s academic background and her passion joined and she started a career as UX Designer, being called “Conceptioner” at first. Since then Martina has not only contributed to the digital and service ecosystems of many recognizable companies (e.g. eBay, PayPal, Emirates Airlines, Volkswagen, Telekom, and many more), but she also helped selected Start-ups in Europe, by forming and driving their Research, as well as contributing to their product or service strategy and definition.
🎤 Joshua Wilking - Prototypes as hypothesis testing method 🔥
At first glance, the purpose of a prototype seems to be a complete visualization of the product. This is not always necessary though– rather, it should fulfill the task of testing the previously made hypotheses about the potential customer and his problems.
Joshua studied Media and Communication Design in Munich and earned experience in digital design on many different projects in the united states and Germany. Together with MVST., he is responsible for bringing a great experience and design not only to the end-user but also to the client.
🎤 Sebastian Gier - Designing for impact 🔥
Designers can all kinds of different impact on their work. In this talk, we learn about some of the most fascinating stories of driving impact as a designer based on the Designdrives Podcast where design leaders and progressive design minds all around the world share their learnings and insights. We learn how to increase the majority and impact of a design team within an organization, how to communicate your design, and how designers are driving impact by being involved in the design process early.
Sebastian is a strategic designer that designs brand-shaping and positive human experience. Besides designing future digital experiences at BMW Group for in-car, app, and digital service experience - he is also running the Designdrives Podcast where he interviews design leaders from around the world about the impact of design. Over the past years, he gained many international design recognitions and had the chance to be invited to speak at conferences around the world on design and product innovation.
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Thursday, March 25, 2021
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
6:00 PM | 👋🏻 Socialising & Welcome to the stream, Philipp @ MVST |
6:10 PM | 🎤 Talk 1: Martina Mitz → Experience Mapping – Why, How, and What? |
6:50 PM | ⏸️ Short Break |
6:55 PM | 🎤 Talk 2: Joshua Wilking (MVST) → Prototypes as hypothesis testing method |
7:20 PM | 🎤 Talk 3: Sebastian Gier → Designing for impact |
8:00 PM | The End :) |
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