Figma for Teams – Making documentation, guidelines and onboarding easier

Nov 26, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 PM (UTC)


The first official Friends of Figma, London event kicks off with a look into design documentation and how Figma can help employee onboarding.

About this event

What can Figma do to encourage a smoother handover when working with external clients or stakeholders? We've all drowned in redlining documents before, but Jordan Sheldrick Devine has been building out a system of his own to make this transition a lot easier.

How can Figma help teams become closer? Can the tool be used for employee onboarding? Hear from Maria Centola, who started her new job during lockdown and found Figma a useful tool in the arsenal of collaboration in the early days of a new position.



Thursday, November 26, 2020
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


6:00 PMIntros
6:10 PMJordan Sheldrick Devine - Figma documentation
6:30 PMMaria Centola - Figma for teams
7:10 PMThank you and goodbye


  • Katherine T

    Friends of Figma London Leader

  • Divyani Vardhan


    Friends of Figma User Group Leader, London

  • Andrey Sundiev


    Friends of Figma London Leader

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