Friends of Figma Q&A w/Alex and Clara

May 24, 2022, 10:30 – 11:30 PM

FOF Discord

Hey Everyone, join us on Discord for a fun Q&A with the team for the Config aftermath.

About this event

Hey Everyone. 👋

The Friends of Figma team invites everyone to join us on Discord for our Config 2022 aftermath Q&A with our very own Alex Dee and the amazing Clara Uije, Designer Advocate at Figma.

Just come meet the community, have fun, talk about all the new features, or even just ask some Figma questions.

While you're at it, you can join the Discord Community and get all the benefits of being part of a great, active community, full of incredible human beings, that happen to be designers or just love Figma 😉


  • Alex Dee

    Friends of Figma

    Community Advocate

  • Clara Ujiie


    Designer Advocate


  • Bruno Figueiredo


    Lead Designer



Tuesday, May 24, 2022
10:30 PM – 11:30 PM UTC


Live Q&A on Discord


  • Alex Dee

    Figma Community Advocate

  • Bruno

    Friends of Figma, Portugal

    Designer in Chief

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