Feb 6, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Together, we’ll perform a design system inventory audit of Adobe’s Spectrum Design System directly on Adobe products. You’ll get an inside look at how experts approach design system inventories, identify inconsistencies, and discuss actionable strategies for optimizing component adoption.
We look forward to seeing you!
Join event
Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjYwNTVlZTAtOTI3ZS00ZDI1LTliZjAtOTJiMGIzZDhjYTdm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b4dc8818-2d2d-42a9-b0e5-9b02497d4035%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227009e12c-5f97-487a-9803-7f89b9081b74%22%2c%22prid%22%3a%22c1735f07-6151-4057-b276-0ce2eb0847a5%22%2c%22isPublic%22%3atrue%7d Note: Please make sure to open this link in a browser. If you encounter any issues, try opening the link in incognito mode. Occasionally, if you are already signed in to MS Teams with another account, it may cause problems
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About the Event
Join us for an interactive co-creation session focused on performing a design system inventory audit of Adobe’s Spectrum Design System directly on Adobe products. This session offers a unique opportunity to learn from Design System Inspectors—you'll get an inside look at how experts perform inventories, identify inconsistencies, and discuss effective strategies for resolving them.
Work alongside experts to explore component families, evaluate design system adoption, and actively engage in a structured, hands-on critique session. It's a collaborative experience with live voting, Q&A, and a fun atmosphere designed to encourage shared insights and learning!
Plus, we'll compile our findings as a resource to share with the Adobe team, should they find our feedback helpful for their ongoing work.
What's in it for You?
Event Objectives
What You'll Experience
Guided Component Family Exploration: Work with experts to explore and evaluate specific component families in the Spectrum Design System, diving into structure, usage, and tagging best practices.
Collaborative Critique Session with Live Voting: Participate in a structured critique where we'll vote on adoption scores, discuss areas of improvement, and provide valuable insights. We'll compile our findings into a resource that could serve as valuable feedback for the Adobe team.
Real-Time Inventory with Infa.ai: Join in a collaborative, hands-on inventory exercise, where you'll tag and document components, spot inconsistencies, and learn expert hacks for making the process fast and effective.
1. Do I need experience with design systems?
No prior experience is required! This session is suitable for all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals interested in learning more about design system audits.
2. What tools will I need for the session?
A laptop with Chrome (for the Infa.ai extension), access to FigJam, and a stable internet connection are recommended. Setup instructions will be shared in advance.
3. Will I get access to Infa.ai's premium features?
Yes, all registered participants will receive a 7-day premium trial of Infa.ai, allowing you to explore its full capabilities during and after the event.
4. What if I can't stay for the entire session?
While we encourage full participation, we'll share a community board with the main takeaways, tagged components, and adoption scores for all registered attendees.
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