Schema: Design Systems conference by Figma — livestream at Productboard

Oct 7, 2021, 3:00 – 9:30 PM (UTC)


Let's watch a live stream from Figma Schema Conference at the Prague Productboard office!

About this event

Design systems leaders from across the world came together for Schema - an online conference about Design Systems. From small companies with new design systems to large companies with systems spanning multiple brands—and everything in between.

We at Friends of Figma and Design systems Chapter Czechia teamed up with Productboard will be hosting a live screening in Productboard's Prague Office. We want to enjoy a great presentation and at the same time talk and network together.

Productboard’s Design System Lead Jan Toman will be presenting at Schema as well! He’ll be talking about how to craft code-aligned UI kits that designers will love using. It’s an incredible honor to be a part of this year’s program, which also includes design leaders from Netflix, Google, and Microsoft among other big names! 

Come and enjoy the Conference accompanied by fellow local product designers and other Figma enthusiasts.

The conference starts at 5:30 pm CET, and we'll be opening doors at 5 pm, so don't be — too late!


In addition to great talks and people, you can also look forward to tasty food, lemonade, and beer on tap.


We’re looking forward to meeting so many great people. However, safety is a priority! To attend, you’ll need a negative Covid test that’s no older than three days. If you have been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days, then you don’t need one. And if you can prove that you’ve had Covid in the last 180 days, that works, too.


Please reserve your free ticket, so we can make sure we have enough refreshments.

Book your tickets

We’re really looking forward to seeing you!



Thursday, October 7, 2021
3:00 PM – 9:30 PM (UTC)


Welcome at Productboard
Schema conference live stream


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Featured Attendee

  • Michal Matyščák


    Product Designer

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