Auckland Kick-off Event: Unlocking the Geek Side of Auto Layout

Sep 11, 1:00 – 2:00 AM


Join us for the Auckland Kick-off Event – Unlocking the Geek Side of Auto Layout, hosted by the Tower Design Team! This event will feature a mix of demonstrations and explorations, empowering designers to effectively and creatively apply Figma’s Auto Layout in their work.

About this event

Join us for the Auckland Kick-off Event – Unlocking the Geek Side of Auto Layout, hosted by the Tower Design Team! This event will feature a mix of demonstrations and explorations, empowering designers to effectively and creatively apply Figma’s Auto Layout in their work.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking for advanced techniques, this demo will cater to all skill levels. You’ll gain valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your design workflow.

What to expect:

Interactive Demos: Discover a range of Auto Layout tips, from basic to advanced.

Creative Applications: Learn how to implement Auto Layout in your projects for improved efficiency and design quality.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow designers in a friendly and supportive environment.

Due to the short notice, we're inviting our Figma friends to join us online. Our first host, Tower, will run the in-person session in the building while we stay connected virtually. 😊

Our online conference call will be on MS Teams. Instructions will be provided soon.

Meeting ID: 478 488 436 766

Passcode: zoqCMC


  • Emilie Park

    Leader of Friends of Figma Auckland


  • Anthony Au-Yeung


    UX/Design Chapter Lead



Wednesday, September 11, 2024
1:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC



  • Emilie Park

    UX/UI Designer

  • Anthony Au-Yeung

    Tower Insurance



Tower logo


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