A Comprehensive Approach to Planning and Implementing Design Systems for Existing Products

Oct 13, 2023, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

This session is based on the speaker's experience leading the building of a full design system from scratch in his last place of engagement. In this session, he will be talking about the best way to plan and roll out design system components, patterns and documentation for existing products without a design system while still maintaining a good user experience for all users.

About this event

This session is based on the speaker's experience leading the building of a full design system from scratch in his last place of engagement. In this session, he will be talking about the best way to plan and roll out design system components, patterns and documentation for existing products without a design system while still maintaining a good user experience for all users.


  • Marvel Faseun

    Omnipresent, Senior Product Designer (Founding designer)


  • Mfonobong Umondia David

    Friends of Figma Regional Lead, Africa

  • Ebibote Doutimi


    Community Advocate FOF Port Hacourt

  • Emmanuel


    Community Advocate FOF Uyo

  • Mandela Winnie

    Peer Carbon

    Community Advocate FOF Nairobi

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