


1204 members

Friends of Figma Berlin (Germany)
  • Curated by Clive K. Lavery, Evgeniia Golubeva, Geon-Young Lee & Max Kratz

  • Friends of Figma is a community run by Figma friends for Figma friends. We organize events related to UX/Product Design and topics beyond the screen, not just concerning a specific tool :)

  • Joining the chapter is free! Also reach out if you'd like to speak at our next event 

Past events

In-person event

FoF X-mas edition

In-person event

Grids are boring, and other design system opinions (feat. Luis from Figma)

In-person event

Thriving and surviving as designers in different environments

In-person event

Prototyping with Variables! โœน In-Person โœน

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Clive K. Lavery

Friends of Figma Berlin Chapter Leader Vintage UX Person


Friends of Figma Berlin Team Member Deutsche Bank AG

Santiago Camargo

Friends of Figma Berlin Leader Zalando


Friends of Figma Berlin Team Member Condor Airlines

Max Kratz

Friends of Figma Berlin Team Member

Contact Us
