


2164 members

Welcome to Friends of Figma, Portugal! 👋

Here you can find all our friends from the Portugal community. You'll be able to join great events like our Meetups with tons of great presenters, or our Unboxing Design Systems Live Streams where we hop in the files of the best design systems out there in the wild, just to learn or have fun.

Our content is created in a mix of Portuguese and English so everyone can participate.

Hope to see you all soon. Meanwhile, you can also chat with us on the Slack.

Upcoming events

13 mar 2025

Virtual event

Sustainability, AI & Product - Layers Meetup #005

Let's have a conversation about AI, Sustainability and Product Design, and have fun in the process.

20 mar 2025

Virtual event

All about Design Systems - Doctor Figma #8 (English)

Your creative work gives you headache? Your Figma doubts make you grind your teeth? That last freelance gig activated yo...

29 mar 2025

In-person event

IxDA Lisboa - Acessibilidade Digital [partner event]

Vamos falar sobre acessibilidade digital?A acessibilidade não é um extra – é essencial para criar produtos e experiência...

6 abr 2025

In-person event

Design Challenge at ENED'25

Junta-te a nós para a última ronda de desafios de Design do ENED'25 e ganha brindes incríveis da Figma e bilhetes para c...

Partner promotions

Leadership Ateliers Thumbnail

A two-day event to level up as a Design Leader, led by the Hatch Conference

If your job has "lead" or "manager" in its title (or you are eyeing a promotion soon), Leadership Ateliers is the most relevant training you can get. Learn with the very best coaches and facilitators at Leadership Ateliers, and get to meet other 70+ early design leaders to share your journey with.

Wanna level up? You can find all the information here👇

Join the Atelier

Use FOFPT for a 100€ discount on checkout

ENED Thumbnail

The Starter props up tomorrow's UX leaders with their in-person labs

100% Free meetings for mid-level and senior people who are looking for and/or are already in leadership positions in the area of UX and Product. The workshops are limited to 14 people per session.

You must pre-register for any of the workshops available.

Click bellow and grab your free spot 👇

Save your seat

DesignFAO Gatherings Thumbnail

Warm up for designFAO with the FAO Gatherings

Be part of something bigger. An experience that is everything you wanted. A space to share, a stage to shine, a chance to unite.

Join our designFAO friends in Gaia, Lisbon or Aveiro from February to April

Excited to join the designFAO Gatherings. It's as easy as a click 👇

Join the gatherings

ENED Thumbnail

Calling all Portuguese Design Students!

Join us from April 4 to 6 at ENED'25 in Coimbra, where we'll be part of the latest edition of this amazing yearly gathering. Meet our crew, join our workshops and, of course, have fun and learn with dozens of talks, masterclasses and fun activities.

PS: we'll be running the design Trivia again in 2025 so stay tuned. 👀👀👀

Ready to join us at ENED?

Click bellow and check out their website 👇

Grab your tickets

Past events

Virtual event

Actualizações recentes do Figma - Doctor Figma #7 (Português)

Virtual event

Figma latest updates - Doctor Figma #6 (English)

Virtual event

Unboxing 📦 Design Systems | Ep 6

Virtual event

Design beyond designers - Layers Meetup #004

Load more



FoF Portugal Leader Friends of Figma, Portugal

Raquel Pereira

FoF Portugal Leader NOKIA

Rita Sousa

FoF Portugal Leader AvivGroup

Julia Nascimento

FoF Portugal Leader

Emanuel de Oliveira e Sousa

FoF Portugal Leader Anybrain

Marcelo xD

FoF Portugal Leader Dentsu

Marco Duarte

FoF Portugal - Co-organizer ITSCREDIT

Beatriz Martins

FoF Portugal - Co-organizer Bumble

Daniel Marques

FoF Portugal - Co-organizer Sourcegraph

Mariana Duarte

FoF Portugal - Co-organizer Bosch Portugal

Joana Laranjeira

FoF Portugal - Collaborator New Normal


FoF Portugal - Collaborator

Francisco Janes

FoF Portugal - Collaborator PHC Software

Contact Us
